I'm wondering how long someone is tentatively on Losartan after surgery? I had a knee scope done last September with no issues, then this March had a partial knee replacement. In May I had removal of lysis of adhesions and now I have to have another surgery due to arthrofibrosis this week. I've been using Dynasplints daily since July but It hasn't helped a great deal as I feel it was too long after surgery that I started using them. This time I will have them right off and also a CPM. I'm also a PTA so I've been doing my own PT at home. I never thought I was too aggressive as I've been working with patients for 24 yrs with no issues but haven't really had patients with arthrofibrosis. I will back off on strengthening and focus mainly on gentle ROM. I do wonder though approximately how long after surgery to gently start strengthening and more active stretching? My surgeon will also be using Seprafilm off label to put over the implant to also help prevent scar tissue. In the past Prednisone was the only thing that helped with edema. I'm very surprised to read the literature stating it can actually cause edema. My surgeon is thinking of prescribing Losartan for me, I'm wondering how long is someone tentatively on this medication after surgery? I'm in the US in Florida and there are not a lot of surgeons who are trained in arthrofibrosis.
Is it better to take my Losartan at night versus the day? It doesn't say on my prescription it's only one pill a day but I'm wondering if it would be more effective before bed if our bodies tend to make more scar tissue when we're sleeping?