This is unlikely to be the cause of decreasing ROM. Bone broth, for example, contains large amounts of collagen in the form of gelatine, which has a lot of protein (amino acids) in it. Collagen is highly digestible and is broken down into the individual amino acids by the stomach and intestines. However, the collagen (scar tissue) formed in arthrofibrosis is made from proteins that are eaten every day in different types of food. The body decides what type of collagen to make, and where, based on signals from cells that indicate where it’s needed.
This is unlikely to be the cause of decreasing ROM. Bone broth, for example, contains large amounts of collagen in the form of gelatine, which has a lot of protein (amino acids) in it. Collagen is highly digestible and is broken down into the individual amino acids by the stomach and intestines. However, the collagen (scar tissue) formed in arthrofibrosis is made from proteins that are eaten every day in different types of food. The body decides what type of collagen to make, and where, based on signals from cells that indicate where it’s needed.