The pain when standing can come from a pinched Hoffa's fat pad (IFP), wich is rather common in AF. However, among other causes are varicose veins, which appear as large, lumpy and blue veins. These are not specifically related to AF or scar tissue, and are very common. If that sounds right I suggest that you ask your doctor about treatments.
Well it's not very painful to stand it's just as the knee/leg doesn't get enough blood circulation so have to move it or to raise it, when I had the inflammation it would start to swell but it doesn't swell any longer- but the "tight band" feeling get stronger and it is a warning saying soon real pain will come. Well and then there's this change in how the veins look and how it get colored efter sauna, and yes the as I wrote I even got blue marks after standing a lot. Writing these details specifically so that others evt will be able to see them selves in my description. I'm sure something in my knee related either to trauma, AF or operation troubles my blood flow in the knee and the leg/shin. And I held to believe it's due to AF because it was so much there when I had my Benders AF periode - but admit AF don't have to be the source. Just imagine that scar tissue is harder to ran through..but haven't any knowledge whatsoever..😉
It would be a good idea to ask your doctor about this. It's quite possible that if you have a blood flow problem it could contribute to AF. I'm not aware of AF causing varicose veins, if that is what you have, but I wouldn’t rule it out, either.
Hi Katrine,
The pain when standing can come from a pinched Hoffa's fat pad (IFP), wich is rather common in AF. However, among other causes are varicose veins, which appear as large, lumpy and blue veins. These are not specifically related to AF or scar tissue, and are very common. If that sounds right I suggest that you ask your doctor about treatments.